Thermal imaging in combating the coronavirus
Scientists from the Department of Biomedical Engineering implement the project “Thermographic system for automatic monitoring of people with increased body temperature” in the COMBATING CORONAVIRUS programme. It is a research and development project and it is being developed in cooperation with the Gdańsk University of Technology and the Medical University of Gdańsk. The aim of the project is to create a system that will automatically measure the body temperature of people who entering the building. Temperature measurement is one of the most telling symptoms for finding people potentially infected with SARS-CoV-2. The use of thermographic imaging has many advantages, specially its non-invasiveness and the ability to to take several people temperature at the same time. In March 2020, at the main entrance to the building of the MUG Invasive Medicine Center, was implemented a set-up which successfully passed the tests and became the basis for
create the project. The project leader is Mariusz Kaczmarek, PhD, DSc, Eng. The project is funded by the BioTechMed Center.